Why do I encourage walks so dang much?


If you’re a client of mine or have been hangin around with me for sometime you wouldn’t be surprised to hear me suggest adding a daily walk into your routine. actually a bigger deal than you think.

For some people this might be an eye roll - maybe you think, “I don’t need to walk, I need to workout!” And there’s validity to that statement.

But I’d argue that the seemingly menial activity is actually vital to your health & fitness routine.


Here’s why:


For starters, a daily walk is a great way to keep momentum moving on rest days, extra busy weeks, or just when motivation is at an all time low to workout. All it takes is a little bit of movement to get your body refocused and boost your energy… which can quickly lead into your next workout!

(also one of the reasons I like warming up with full-body movement like walking)

A daily walk can be a great start or end to your day.

Getting outside soon after you wake-up can help you prepare for the day and has positive affects on sleep and circadian rhythm - the sun/light signaling to your brain that it’s time to be awake & help your internal clock keep on track to signal you it’s time to sleep as it gets later in the day.

If you choose to end your day with a walk it can be an opportunity to reflect, step away from screens, disconnect from work and even aid in digestion after dinner & dessert.

Daily walks can increase your overall daily movement (NEAT: non-exercise activity thermogenesis) which is beneficial for things like weight loss, weight management and overall health.

Getting up and moving more often can help ease soreness & stiffness - going for a walk each day ensures that movement is part of your routine! Walking is generally easy to recover from and easily accessible.

Basically, a daily walk has many more pros than cons…

especially since the most common con is that you just don’t feel like changing your shoes and making time for it.

Do you get a walk in each day (or on most days)? If not, will that change?

Let me know in the comments!

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