I just purchased my first month of a service, now what?

Eeek!! Welcome to my fitness family! I’m so happy to have you. Please keep an eye on your inbox. You will be receiving an email after your purchase with a link to an online client intake form. If you did not receive this e-mail (check your junk folder!) please let me know by e-mailing and include your name + order number.

Once you get the e-mail, please click the link and fill out the form to the best of your ability. After you have completed the form I will review it and reach out to you via e-mail with any questions, comments or concerns I have. Please allow 3-5 business days for me to review your form and reach out. Once all of our questions have been answered I will design your program and get you started! In total, you should expect 7-10 business days from the time of purchase to receiving your program.

How do you track progress if nothing is in-person?

Progress can be tracked in a multitude of ways! The method of tracking progress varies based on the client. Some methodologies I favor are progress photos, body measurements, weight/body fat percentage and performance based numbers. Depending on the chosen method, I educate the client on how to properly and efficiently obtain photos, measurements, etc. I never ask clients to do something without absolute certainty they understand the process and are comfortable with it.

Besides the physical progress you can make, I like to emphasize progress in other categories. This requires some self-reflection on the client’s part and can be directed by questions during the check-in process.

What is a ‘check-in’? How does it work?

Check-ins are all done online and occur on the same day every week. At the beginning of our journey together I will ask you to choose a day when you will send me their check-in information every week. We will also choose a specific time to have the check-in sent by on that day. I encourage clients to pick a day when they are normally less stressed and can fit in roughly 20 minutes to fill out their check-in questions and give real thought and consideration in their answers.

Check-ins may have added questions or require progress updates depending on the circumstances of that week.

Once I receive the check-in via email, I evaluate the client’s answers, take notes and formulate my response. All check-in responses are sent via email with a voice memo linked for convince and to aid in better communication. Typical check-in responses arrive to the client’s inbox no later than 24 hours after receiving the initial check-in.

Do I need to have a gym membership to be a client?

Not necessarily! I absolutely can accommodate those who want to work out at home and have minimal (or no) equipment. I don’t require anything of my client’s as far as gym memberships or specific equipment. However, I will be realistic with you regarding your goals and what is necessary to achieve them. That means if you are looking to build muscle but only have the means to do bodyweight exercises, we probably need to formulate a different or more specific goal.

Do I have to take videos of myself like I see people doing in the gym sometimes?

Like a lot of answers in the fitness industry; it depends. The more information you can give me (photos, videos, verbal feedback, etc.) the better I can assist you! There are certain lifts that I may require video of you performing the exercise so I can monitor form. I know this can be daunting to do in the gym and I know some gyms don’t allow it so this question requires a case-by-case answer.