How do I stay motivated?


Last week I had a little Q&A posted in my Instagram stories and we talked about a lot of things (come hang out with me there if you aren’t already!).

One of the questions that stood out to me was):


So let’s talk about motivation today.

Motivation is something most people chase after - something we value because we believe it will allow us to get from Point A to Point B.

And that’s true! Motivation can be helpful when you’re pursuing any kind of goal, whether it’s fitness related or not.

But it’s important to understand that there are two different types of motivation.

intrinsic & extrinsic

You might already know or be able to guess, but intrinsic motivation is motivation that comes from within you. It’s an internal motivation that is driven by something you feel, value, etc.

Which means extrinsic motivation is a motivation you have from something outside of yourself. Think an accountability buddy, a coach, playing to win a trophy, or walking the dog so they stop eating your socks.

Extrinsic motivation can be helpful & it’s not a “bad” thing to have or even utilize. BUT intrinsic motivation is far more powerful & beneficial in pursuing long-term goals & succeeding at them.

So when I was asked about my motivations my answer was simple:

My MoTiVAtiOn comes from highly valuing being able to do things.

I value being independent.
I value being strong.
I value having endurance.

I know all of these things enhance my life (in many ways) and I know all of these things are possible because of what I’ve spent years doing/building in the gym.

Which leads me to arguably the most important thing I have to say today: I don’t repeated get in runs & lifts because I’m motivated to do so.

More often than not I would rather do anything instead those things.

BUT I have habits & routines in place that help me keep checking the boxes week after week.

So while motivation is helpful and exciting, it’s not the only thing I rely on to get in my workouts.

…and THAT is why I’m able to keep pushing forward week after week!

None of us are motivated 100% of the time!
You’re not alone in that. It’s just a human thing.

So if you’re feeling “broken” because you just can’t seem to stay motivated, I hope today you realize that it’s not a “you” thing. It’s an “us” thing.

We can learn and lean into our intrinsic motivation & be strategic with extrinsic motivation but if we ignore the creation of systems & routines we’re likely going to fall short.

If this resonates with you, take a breath! You can do this. You are capable.

& if you need some help sorting our what systems & routines would be helpful for you succeeding, feel free to reach out to chat. I’m here for ya.

Kirsi CochellComment