Turkey Trot 5k Prep; 4 Week Plans (beginners, begin-againers & ready to run-ners)


You know how they say before you marry someone to find out if their family drinks mimosas or runs 5ks on holiday mornings? Well, let’s just say it’s a good thing I’m not a big fam of mimosas 🙃

Over the years I’ve done my fair share of Turkey Trot 5ks. Some were last minute & either walked entirely or ran & finished EXHAUSTED & out of breath. Others happened to fall inside other race training I was doing & were enjoyable. And then there’s last year where I strapped Milo to myself with the waist leash and he helped me get a PR!

Reflecting on the years of holiday 5ks completed, I have to admit that when I was running consistently, I enjoyed myself far more. I’m guessing you may have had similar experiences or just want to avoid those terrible, out-of-breath runs altogether. So that led me to creating a Turkey Trek 5k Prep Packet for anyone who anticipates being roped into a 5k this Thanksgiving!

Click the button above or HERE to download your free copy of my “Prepping For Your 2023 Thanksgiving 5k” guide! 4 different 4 week plans are included, plus notes to help you pick out the one that’s right for you & a guide to Threshold Pace testing (which can be found inside my cardio zone freebie).




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