BIG TICKET TASKS: Why you need to know yours


A 1:1 client has recently made STIDES in re-establishing a
consistent health/fitness routine that supports her current
body recomposition & weight loss goals…

but just one month prior that same client was struggling.
In a check-in she shared,


So we dove in.

First we addressed the emotions she’d been feeling & how big goals can feel overwhelming. No matter what type of goal someone is pursuing, there will be times when emotions feel big & heavy & hard to deal with.


Now please tune-in here: I am in no way, shape or form a therapist & do not act as one. I always encourage clients to speak to a mental health professional when challenges fall outside of my scope of practice. However, it would be silly (& possibly irresponsible) for me as a personal trainer to ignore the effects these things have on physical health & fitness endeavors.

Because of that, I always make it clear that I am a listening ear & offer support as best as I can while respecting my scope of practice & my clients’ right to proper care in all facets of health.


After we chatted a bit & we’re on the same page, we proceeded to focus on the “do” portion (AKA the things that are within my scope to comment, guide & instruct on).

We addressed what actions she felt she needed to take to move towards her goals by answering,

“If you were to pick out 3 top tasks to support a weight loss goal, what would they be?”

We were looking for specific actions that she could focus on & repeat every (read: most) day(s). Actions that we were sure would move the dial forward one notch at a time to get her where she wants to go. And she laid it all out for me:

Movement outside every day

(Think: walk around the neighborhood, walk to the gym/at the gym, etc.)

This is something she views as very doable & that requires little planning (which is big when there’s a little human to consider!) It helps her get out of the house & checks the “daily movement” box, especially on days when she doesn’t have a formal workout planned or can’t fit one in.

Drink enough water &
prioritize it over other beverages

(She gave specific ounce goals that I omitted here.)

She views this as easy to accomplish no matter what the rest of her day looks like (i.e. her low hanging fruit). And she’s prepared with her fav water-bottle to help her execute it.

Eating protein in every meal &
work it into more snacks

She knows how important protein intake is for the body, especially for someone like her who lifts weights & has body recomposition goals. And she admitted she has a tendency to be less intentional about protein intake when she is not prioritizing her health & fitness goals in other ways.

Arguably this task is the most difficult of the 3 BUT will feel easier to approach & check off as the other 2 become more routine again.

So there they were, the 3 BIG TICKET TASKS for her to focus on.

3 repeatable actions she laid out for herself to prioritize every day.
3 tasks to ground herself in.
3 things to come back to when life got a little more than chaotic.

The 3 goals helped her focus her energy on attainable tasks & feel productive. We weren’t looking for perfection, we were just looking to check the box. We simply wanted to take an overwhelming concept & break it down into much more manageable tasks. In doing this, she hoped to find her groove… and we saw that groove come back clearly & swiftly!

Just 1 month after picking out her BIG TICKET TASKS & re-centering on her goals, her workout adherence shot up from 27% to 75% ☄️ (and that includes a week off due to illness)

From stuck to unstuck.

An uncertain path to actionable steps.

Re-focused & re-centered.

Thanks to HER & her BIG TICKET TASKS.

Determining 3 simple, repeatable tasks to focus on can help you, too, no matter what you’re striving for right now. Whether your goals are focused on:

  • Physique changes

  • A squat PR

  • Building consistency in the gym

  • Sleeping 8 hours/night

  • Enjoying movement again…

Breaking down that big goal into the actions it takes to achieve it will undoubtedly help you focus on the path ahead one step at a time & remove some of the overwhelm.

So, what 3 big ticket tasks can help you get where you want to go?

I’d love to hear it in the comments.




Certified Personal Trainer & online fitness coach
I help women build strength & move better with simple programming & comprehensive coaching.

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Kirsi Cochell