Phases of a Lift


Most of the time, when we lift we move our body through a sequence of positions. These different positions can be described as the phases of the lift. In each phase, our muscles complete different types of contractions.

Sometimes the muscles contract & get shorter, which is called a concentric contraction.

Sometimes they contract & lengthen, which is an eccentric contraction.

And sometimes they contract & stay the same length, which is an isometric contraction.

The type of contraction the primary working muscle(s) is performing is how we label that particular phase of the lift.

Most lifts move through a concentric, eccentric & 2 isometric phases. However, not every lift starts with the same phase. Some start with the concentric phase (like rows, deadlifts & bicep curls) while other lifts start with the eccentric phase (like bench press, squat & tricep extensions).



Contracting & shortening: concentric

Contracing & lengthening:

Contracting & stays same:



In order to know which phase the lift starts with, we can look at what the working muscles are doing;

  • Rows start with you pulling your arm back to your body
    (back muscles concentrically contract AKA contract & shorten)

  • Bench press starts with you lowering the bar to your chest
    (chest muscles eccentrically contract AKA contract & lengthened)

Some exercises only involve isometric contractions where the working muscles are firing but not changing size. These are most planks, wall sits & bridge holds.


Generally, most lifts will follow one of the following sequences:

  • Eccentric —> Isometric —> Concentric —> Isometric —> Repeat

  • Concentric —> Isometric —> Eccentric —> Isometric —> Repeat

But remember that not every lift will include all phases listed

& not all muscles that are engaged during the lift will be completing the same type of contraction.


It can be helpful to understand the different phases of a lift for a number of reasons like to utilize tempo & improve movement proficiency.

Ask me your questions about lifting phases, muscle contractions or why it all matters in the comments below!



Hey, I’m Kirsi!

Certified Personal Trainer & online fitness coach
I help women build strength & challenge themselves with simple programming & comprehensive coaching.

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