New Year’s Resolutions


Yep, it’s that time of year again.

As the end of 2022 approaches you’re likely seeing everyone share or talk about their resolutions for the new year. A lot of times these resolutions are centered on becoming more active or focusing on healthy habits.

You may be wondering, “Do I need a New Year’s Resolution?” or “Should I take the time to come up with one?”

Let’s unpack that.


New Year’s Resolutions;
should you,
or should
you not?

First off, you definitely do not “need” to set a resolution for yourself nor “should” you.

Yes, of course, you can set a resolution but it is not a “need” in order to change your habits or behaviors.

With that being said, setting a resolution for the new year may help you feel more focused or centered on the behavior you want to change or do more of.

And it just so happens that January 1st naturally feels like the perfect time to make a change or re-center yourself.

A new year. A clean slate. It feels new & fresh & untainted.

Similar to Monday feeling like a fresh start to a new week.
Change feels more possible, more plausible.

With those feelings of hope & possibility, there are also feelings of excitement & in some cases motivation, too.

While it’s important to acknowledge that this motivation can fade quickly, it’s not bad to harness it while you have it!

If you’re feeling extra motivated to exercise, don’t ignore that or pretend it doesn’t matter. It does matter! Use it to your advantage. Start moving your body AND start making a plan for what to do when that motivation inevitably leaves you. You can use the motivation you have now to get into a workout groove and prepare yourself with a plan for what to do later when it’s not around.

So to answer the question at hand, should you set a New Year’s Resolution?

Welp, like you may have guessed, the answer to that is totally up to you. If you feel extra motivated when you create a resolution or there’s something you want to focus on in the new year, go for it.

If you don’t enjoy setting resolutions or don’t feel a connection to one this year, there’s no shame in closing out this year & starting the next one without a big bad goal in mind.

Just like in (almost) everything else, the choice is yours.

& if you want a sounding board to walk through your unique pros/cons to setting a resolution this year, click here to send me an email. I’d love to help ya out.

Kirsi Cochell