Trail running, in case no one has told you yet, is a beautiful experience.

Sunshine peaking in and out of treetops, birds chirping, friendly trail-goers offering a smile & wave of encouragement…

Spiderwebs sticking to your face, mild panic every time leaves rustle a little too much for your liking, slightly rolled ankles on the rocks you didn’t pay close attention to…

Truly though, it’s a beautiful experience 😂 and one I wish everyone could have & love like I do!

All jokes aside, there are some serious pieces of trail running (or hiking or doing any type of activity outside by yourself or with others) that we should all be aware of.

I’ve shared some safety tips for exercising outdoors previously but today I’m going to share my top 3 “must dos” for every trail (or road) run I go on:


I share my route, location & estimated finish time with multiple people I trust.

Every. Single. Time.

When I’m out on trails I always use the AllTrails app to select & navigate my route. As I go about my run, my current location is simultaneously shared with multiple people of my choosing along with my estimated finish time.

If I go off course, they all get notified.
If I decide to try a different route, I can message them through the app all at once.

It’s simple, efficient & keeps me safer than if I didn’t use it!


i Make sure I have easy access to pepper spray & keychain alarm while running.

While technology safety measures like the AllTrails app are awesome, having something physical on-hand is a must for me, too.

Personally I always carry a handheld pepper spray (I get mine at Target) & my Birdie alarm keychain (the new version has a subscription option that includes a GPS & emergency notification system!).

I keep these on hand & easily accessible when I’m out; typically my pepper spray in my side pocket & keychain hanging off my pack on my chest or in my hand.

Knowing I have these, where they’re at & how to use them helps me feel more confident while I’m out.


i Wear one earphone (if any) & keep volume low so I can hear my surroundings well.

Another simple measure I take while I’m out by myself is to make sure I can hear my surroundings.

Sometimes that means wearing no headphones… Yep, running in SILENCE. Can you imagine? 😂 Sometimes it means wearing one headphone with volume just barely loud enough to hear.

Whatever I decide on a particular day, I make sure I feel confident in being aware of my surroundings & what I’m able to hear (& observe) while I’m out there.


Personally, I don’t think you can ever take too many safety measures when you’re going out by yourself, exercising or not.

(You can read more about other safety precautions I take here)

Do you exercise outdoors or by yourself?
Have any safety tips to share?

Share them in the comments to help someone else out!


Hey, I’m Kirsi!

Certified Personal Trainer & online fitness coach
I help women explore their strength & challenge themselves with simple programming & comprehensive coaching.

Interested in 1:1 coaching? Fill out your application here.

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