Do you need a defined goal? (Part 1)


You’ve heard me talk about goals a lot.

Just like you’ve heard many other trainers talk about goals.

Makes sense - goals are important.

Goals can give direction.
Create excitement.
Make your work purposeful & trackable.

But goals can look a lot of different ways.


Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been chatting with a 1:1 client who has been looking for a new goal-

She recently CRUSHED a back squat PR goal she’s been working hard on for a few months so now she’s on to her next “thing”.

The issue is the “thing” is harder to pinpoint this time around.

She’s not as excited about a specific lift & there’s not currently a weight she’s stoked to work up to in lifts.

Over the weekend she asked in an email, “Is it realistic to train without defined goals…”

And the answer is: YES.

That might not always be the case and my answer by itself might be a head-scratcher so let me explain-

You absolutely don’t have to have a specific goal that fires you up.

You don’t need to be working towards a PR or improving mobility or anything of the like.

You can train without that.

But here’s the kicker-

For your training to still be purposeful, you should have a bird’s eye view of what you’re doing & where it’s taking you.

You absolutely could be spinning your wheels, putting in work & not getting much out of it if you haven’t identified a goal you want to work towards or that gives your workouts a specific purpose.

BUT if you’re mindful of the big picture, those seasons of “meh” towards specific goals can still be purposeful & productive.

They can still drive you forward.

You just have to be thinking down the road, 6 months from now or 1 year from now, where would you like to be (or be closer to)?

Maybe it’s as simple as “I want to be strong” or “I want to be strong still” or “I want to be stronger”.

And that can give you some direction as to what you can/should do now in order to keep you on that path or get you onto that path.

If it sounds confusing or blurry, well, that’s because it likely is if you’re not sure what “big picture” aspects to consider or are even possibilities for your training now.

That’s where a coach can come in
(or some extra Google-ing on your part).

Have questions about training without a defined goal in mind?
Drop them below or send me a message & let’s talk through it together.

Chat soon-

Kirsi CochellComment