February Reflections


Is it too late to share February reflections if it’s already March 20th?

… I’m going with no.


So I’m sharing my big take-aways from the month of February!

But before we dive into those points, let me set the backdrop;

I had big biz plans for February. If you’re getting my weekly newsletter, you know I dropped multiple deals throughout the month to celebrate my birthday on the 27th. I also had the goal to drop a couple of new freebies & an updated protein freebie, too.

All of the intended deals dropped (sorry, no longer live but join the newsletter to be in the know for next time!) and one of the freebies dropped…

I also wanted to put out killer content on Instagram, improve the Cochell Fitness Private Client Community on Facebook. Both of which I think I did pretty well.

In my private life I was training for the Napa Valley half marathon, helping to plan a girls trip, sorting through & donating household goods and organizing & prepping the rest of our belongings for a move across the state.

All of that as I worked through the emotions that accompany big life transitions & some other private matters.

Now here I am, on the other side of (most of) it all so I have some things to share.

& reflections:

  • When the wifi at home goes out, breathe. Pack a bag & head to a coffee shop.

  • Don’t forget that coffee shop parking lots get wifi. When you need to record client voice memos, type up the notes then move to your car & pump them out.

  • Packing your house doesn’t need to happen all at once. Break it up & pace yourself. It’ll feel better if it fits better into your normal schedule.

  • Just let Milo pick the walking route. It’s not worth the energy to fight about it.

  • Time on trails is sacred. Giving yourself that time without distractions matters.

  • Keep an on-going list for work tasks outside of work hours. Jot it down but don’t dive into it until the next day. Keep your boundaries & work hours.

Those take-aways & reflections are obviously very specific to me. However, I think there’s a decent chance everyone can relate to something in those bullet points.

So let me rewrite them in a more general sense;

  • Take time to find your footing & tackle problems one step at a time.

  • Deep breathes matter.

  • Just because you usually do something doesn’t mean you have to do it.

  • You won’t forget it if you write it down.

  • Know your priorities & act accordingly. Adjust when needed.

  • It’s okay to say “not right now” to something you that was previously a “hell yes”.


Writing these out was beneficial for me, but I also was hoping I could share something that’s beneficial for you, too.

Did any of these points strike you? What are some of your take-aways from the last month (or even week)?

I’d love to hear & chat. Drop a comment & let me know!



Hey, I’m Kirsi!

Certified Personal Trainer & online fitness coach

I help women explore their strength & challenge themselves with simple programming & comprehensive coaching.

Interested in 1:1 coaching? Fill out your application here.

TRAIN smart with simple & efficient lifts inside TRAIN

BUILD comfort & strength with the barbell with BUILD


Kirsi Cochell