Romanian Deadlifts; The Most Common Issue I see


If you’ve been lifting weights for a bit you’ve likely heard of Romanian Deadlifts, or RDLs, and even done them yourself.

RDLs fall into the hinge category of the basic movement patterns. It’s a deadlift variation where we bias* the glutes over the hamstrings by putting a slight bend in the knee & limiting range of motion (ROM) compared to traditional deadlifts or even stiff leg deadlifts.

*but don’t get it twisted, “biasing” a muscle doesn’t mean the others “turn off”


quick RDL breakdown:

  • Feet ~hip width apart

  • Slight knee bend

  • Lats engaged

  • Slight chin-tuck

  • Core braced

  • Press hips to back wall

  • Keep weights tight to body

  • Stop lowering once hips stop (around mid-shin)

  • Press hips forward

  • Repeat for reps


I’m a big fan of RDLs to hit the posterior chain (muscles along the back of the body). Like I said previously, RDLs bias the glutes over something like a stiff leg deadlift, where the knees are barely bent at all & typically has a larger ROM.

RDLs can be done with dumbbells (as shown above), barbells, and even kettlebells or any other free weights you have access to.

The most common struggle I see clients face with RDLs are loose lats.


Loose lats

If you’ve ever done RDLs & feel like the weights are flying all around or you notice rounding in your upper back at the bottom of the lift - you might be dealing with loose lats.

Good news is this is a VERY easy fix. These “loose lats” aren’t anything physically “wrong”, it’s simply that you’re losing lat engagement throughout the movement.


How can we fix it?

Place a piece of paper between your upper arm & torso (aka in your pits) and hold it there as you go through your reps. In order for that paper to stay put, you’re going to need to hold it in place by engaging your lats & keeping your arms tight to your body.

Which is exactly what we want!

& if it sounds too uncomfortable to put paper in your pits at the gym try using this cue instead: SQUEEZE THE PITS!


RDLs are a valuable movement to incorporate into your workouts for a lot of reasons.

We hinge every single day & those hinges are practically always going to be loaded with some kind of resistance (picking up your kid, picking up your pet, picking up your overflowing laundry basket - you get the picture).

Nailing your RDL form & gradually overloading your muscles with this movement will do wonders for you in the long run of life.

Happy hinging, all ✌🏼



Hey, I’m Kirsi!

Certified Personal Trainer & online fitness coach
I help women explore their strength & challenge themselves with simple programming & comprehensive coaching.

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Kirsi Cochell